You'll be hard pressed to find four brothers as helpful as these. Despite their odd appearances they are all very smart fellows who can stop you from rushing into new things before properly considering how to fit them into your already busy life.
Their names are:
Morov: What are you going to do more of in the year ahead?
Lessov: What are you going to do less of in the year ahead?
Ridov: What are you going to get rid of in the year ahead?
Tossin: What new things are you going to toss into the mix for the year ahead?
Ridov is the smartest. He knows that if you want your business to grow, you will need to stop doing some things so you can find the time to properly implement new things.
Tossin is the innovative one. He’s an optimist and always full of ideas that could keep your business at the cutting edge.
Morov and Lessov are there to make sure you don’t go stale. You won’t have any groundhog years if you listen to them.
Invite the Four Russian Brothers to your next planning session. They'll make sure you consider these four game-changing questions:
1 What should you be doing more of?
2 What should you be doing less of?
3 What should you stop doing? and
4 What should you start doing?